Monday, April 21, 2008

Okay I guess I will give my birthday regards now:)


see you are 16 alr, ooo means hello to NC16 movies! hahah, I cant believe I haven gone for one yet I will do it soon(dont think wrong yo) hahahas, on this day I really wanna thank you for all the things you have done for me from hearing rant to giving me advice pertaining to some stuff, its truly admirable. Esp since I used to shout at you a fair amount of times and whats most touching is that you NEVER once held it against me and NEVER shouted back you simply used to take what I used to say to you. Its bad but it is also really sweet man!

Come I am gonna do a recollection kinda thing for you yeah! hahahas, from the time I made friends with you till now:) LALA, I think when I first spoke to you I must have truly scared you right? hahahas, LOL. I can still remember the look on your face when I first spoke to you, priceless! hahahas. I think till date you are the only friend I made in such a weird way hahahs. but I am glad I did yo:) Oh yeah I agree with what Michelle said, you are seriously a PATHETIC liar eh, hahahs. I remember all the lies you told me on the first day itself I think it was 31july cause it was one day prior to when Clarence was due to return. HAHAS, it was quite funny eh, the lies you said and deep inside me I was laughing my heart out cause I knew the truth to all your lies! ahahahahhs. So dont try lying though I am pretty naive okay hahahas!

Then slowly 7-11 outings with Clarence and you came along:) Really nice yeah know hahahs, cause I finally found out you are not as innocent as I thought you were. HAHAHS, Clarence and I voiced out our opinions(horny ones) but some people,/stares at you/ are totally silent about it hahahs. I think the one outing I liked with you the guys the most was probably be the one when the uncle commented you were cheeky!( I could be wrong, I need to go off and double check my blog posts and come up with a definite answer hahahs.) Oh yeah I truly appreciated each and every outing(I dont what else to call it)with the both of you:) hahahs, LOL. I seem have something to add on each day! hahahs, like a wise man once said ( i dont know if he is wise lah, but he came up with this quote which I find pretty true)

The real test of friendship is: Can you literally do nothing with the other person?
Can you enjoy together those moments of life that are utterly simple?
They are the moments people looks back on at the end of life and number as their most sacred experiences.
Eugene Kennedy

Makes a lot of sense right?

Then there was once I went out with you and Kevin:) hahahs, LOL. I wont forgot how long you spend just trying to finish the joke with me and Kevin joking along! hahahs! Truly amazing eh, you told me something I would never forget and even till now, I refuse to come out of it (: hahahahs.

You know what I am gonna post the picture I took of you and Kevin:) + the picture with Clarence staring at the photo(I still stand by the fact you that you were suppose to be in it)!

There were many other stuff too, like once we had lunch with Kevin&Gary(I dont know about gary) and started walking around the school after lunch to your school pail/pill/pale? I still dont know what you heard! hahahs. YA of course you and Gary gang-ed up and suan-ed me but it was still pretty fun right? Then came the ice-skating hahahs, I remember how hard you tried to convince me to go for ice skating and yeah one day before ice skating nothing was planned out yet hahahas, I think we planned it out like 10:30 right? HAHHAS. we didnt even know if Ruishan and Kevin could make it! hahahhas. Oh yeah you succeeded in making me ice skate but not without my screams! hahs. You and Ruishan were like totally OHHH EMMM GEEE hahhas. But still I wanna thank you so much for like not giving up? hahahhas.

Then came 2008 hahahs, the first like 7-11 thingy with yourself and Clarence hahahs, LOL. I remember I left shouting and you and then crying! hahahas, LOL. BAD experience yo cause after that we didnt really speak from the time we boarded the bus till the next day! HAHAHS, , though I wish that many a times you would just talk! hahahahs. You become completely silent each time I cry I guess you have seen me cry like what 3 times alr? hahahs. Nevertheless you never fail to cheer me up! hahahs, thanks so much yo:)

HAHAHS, then came 14th March the day I told you something I never thought I would tell anyone! hahahas, I felt so freaked out at that point of time y'know but you managed to like, make me feel better in a sense? hahahs. I dont know how to describe it but you managed to do something lah! hahahas, LOL. If you cant rmb 14th March go to my blog, it will refresh your memory(go to the blogger one, I didnt blog much about it in xanga)

3:33pm hahahs, I am so sure you will remember this time superbly well, how can you forget right?! hahahahs! I was like so adament about that time! hahahas lala! hahahs, I think I better end here I am way too long winded alr! hahahs.I guess all I wanna say is thanks so much for being there when I needed someone to talk to! HAVE A GREAT DAY YEAH:D hahahs, wanna do word count I like I do in the emails? hahahas, /heard the word yes in your voice/

Word count: 1019

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